Why Do These

All-Black Paintings Sell For $3 Million?

Modern artist Ad Reinhardt's "Untitled Black Paintings" sell for several million dollars.

What's the deal with them?

These paintings are big canvases that seem to be covered fully in black paint.

But they have a secret.

They are not black at all.

Art is in the eye of the beholder

Reinhardt used a special art technique that only reveals their true colors after a while.

Like darkness and light

The viewers' eyes need time to adjust to the dark paint.

Only then can they see the different shades of red, green and blue in the paintings.

There's a strange beauty to these artworks. The artist forces you to take time to experience their real colors.

Once you look away, these colors are gone.

Modern artist Ad Reinhardt creates this effect by using extremely thick oil paint. Creating these paints takes weeks.

Learn more about Ad Reinhardt,

his views on modern art and his 12 rules for how to create pure art.