Bob Ross And Machine Learning

If you’ve been on the internet in the last two years and you are somewhat tech-savy you’ve probably heard about the latest fad in Computer Science: Machine Learning.

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Wikipedia describes Machine Learning as the subfield of computer science that “gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed”.

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While this does sound like it’s coming straight from a science fiction novel about computers that gain consciousness and eradicate mankind it’s not really that extreme.

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As an example we are able to take Van Gogh’s famous “Starry Night” and have a computer paint a photograph we’ve taken in Van Gogh’s style

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Using the website we can use the same technique to apply the characteristic style of a Bob Ross painting to real life photographs.

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All in all we can get pretty close to Bob’s style with this technique, but since Bob Ross always uses very simple methods that dont rely on details to create great looking paintings it’s hard for the algorithm to apply this style to very detail heavy photographs.

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Bob Ross And Machine Learning

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