How To Make Art When You’re Colorblind

Yes, not knowing what color things are can be hard when painting. Did you know that clouds are not always grey, but sometimes pink? Or that peanut butter isn’t green?

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But like most things in life, if things get hard you just have to work smart. Here are my top 4 tips to create art as a colorblind person.

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A great painting medium that doesn’t use any color is pen and ink. It’s also pretty cheap to get into as all you need is some paper and a pen.

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1. Can’ see color? Don’t use color!

A lot of what makes a painting good has nothing to do with color hues but color values. In this context it basically means how light or dark a color is.

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2. The value in understanding value

3. Stick to what you know, get help when you don’t

A great one I use is Color Blind Pal on Android. Simply open the app, point your camera and find out that the new shirt you just bought isn’t the color you thought it was. Great stuff!

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Painted a pink sky or orange grass by accident? No problem, just pretend you meant to do this from the very beginning. It’s art and if people don’t like it they just don’t get it 

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4. Messed up? No problem


How To Make Art When You’re Colorblind

Yellow Star