8 Challenges For Intermediate Oil Painters

If you want to switch things up a little or push your skills to the next level try these 8 challenges for intermediate painters!

Yellow Star

You will not only get better at the technical aspect and develop your manual skill but also on the artistic and observational aspect of painting.

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Challenge #1: One Brush Only

Paint a picture using only a single type of brush – everything from background to details. No knife allowed.

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Challenge #2: Knife Only

Paint a picture using only your painting knife. Using a brush for the sky and/or water is allowed. Hard Mode: No brush allowed at all

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Challenge #3: Paint In Black And White

Paint a picture using only different black, white and grey. Hard mode: No different types of grey (like warm grey or cold grey) allowed.

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Challenge #4: One Color Only

Paint a picture using only black, white and a third color of your choice.

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Challenge #5: A New Subject

So take those brushes and paints – all of them if you want, you’ve earned them after Challenges #1 to #4 – and paint something you’ve never painted before.


to see all 8 Challenges For Intermediate Oil Painters

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