How To Make Art When You’re Colorblind

Do you know those teambuilding excerices where you have to tell a fun fact about yourself? Here’s mine: I run a website dedicated to art and painting with over 1000 members. And I’m colorblind.

Yellow Star

1. Can’ see color? Don’t use color! A great painting medium that doesn’t use any color is pen and ink. It’s also pretty cheap to get into as all you need is some paper and a pen. Of course you can get more fancy equipment later.

Yellow Star

2. The value in understanding value

The color value of different objects tell you a lot about how far away they are and about their position relative to each other.

Yellow Star

3. Stick to what you know, get help when you don’t

Technology is your friend. There are countless apps to help you get the name of the colors you can’t see. A great one I use is Color Blind Pal on Android.

Yellow Star

4. Messed up? No problem

Painted a pink sky or orange grass by accident? No problem, just pretend you meant to do this from the very beginning. It’s art and if people don’t like it they just don’t get it 😉

Yellow Star


How To Make Art When You’re Colorblind

Yellow Star