How To Paint Mountains Like Bob Ross

The most striking part of many Bob Ross paintings is his mountains. Their big peaks with untouched fields of snow and harsh cliffs are equally fascinating as intriguing, especially for beginner painters.

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We’ve compiled some tips and tricks to make painting them easier for you. Read on to find out how to paint mountains like Bob Ross does.

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Trick #1: Every Mountain Needs A Base – Scrub It Real Good Here’s our first tip: after laying out your mountain’s shape go back and scrape out all excess paint from the silhouette.

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Trick #2: Upgrade Your Titanium White To Paint Better Snow

A lot of people start painting with rather cheap oil paints. When their mountains don’t come out like they want them the problem is not their technique but the paint itself!

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About Oil Paint

Oil paint in its basic form consists of particles of pigment suspended in a drying oil and the Titanium White that Bob Ross uses is a rather firm and dry paint, meaning that it does not contain as much oil as other paints.

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An Easy Way To Dry Up Your Oil Paint

As mentioned above oil paints are made from pigment and oil, so to get our paint to become firmer we need to find a way to decrease the amount of liquid oil in our paint.

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How To Paint Mountains Like Bob Ross

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