That ‘Tingling Feeling’ You Get From Watching Bob Ross

Maybe you have experienced it too. Watching Bob Ross paint makes your head tingle and when he drags his brush along the canvas it almost feels like he is scratching the back of your neck.

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This fuzzy feeling that some of us experience has a name: ASMR, short for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response.

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What is ASMR? People often describe this sensation as a “brain massage”, “head tingles” or even “brain orgasm”.

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The feeling often starts on the head or neck and moves down to the rest of the body.

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What causes ASMR? Psychological causes of ASMR there are a number of triggers for it. Triggers are sensations or stimuli that make people experience these “head tingles”.

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What is it with Bob that makes peoples brains tingle? Besides the great hair ‘The Joy of Painting’ with Bob Ross features almost every stimulus we mentioned above. Bob is soft spoken and calm, talking only about happy things. His actions are well practiced and predictable.

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That ‘Tingling Feeling’ You Get From Watching Bob Ross

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