Why Painting Is Great For Your Mental Health

We all know that the act of painting is not only fun and often times incredibly satisfying but also a great way to relax and relieve stress.

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But did you know that it also has wonderful effects on your mental health? And we are not even talking about art therapy guided by a professional but your ordinary slap-some-paint-on-a-canvas fun.

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Stress Relieve

What we and everyone that has ever held a paintbrush already know has now been confirmed by scientists: painting reduces stress.

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Effects On Depression

Painting does not only reduce the symptoms of stress but also helps with depression. A lot of people suffering from it have reported that painting gives them newfound energy and invokes feelings of pride and accomplishment in them.

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Increased Empathy and Tolerance

The study showed that children who toured an art museum became more observant, noticing and describing more details in an image, than their peers who did not.

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To see Why Painting Is Great For Your Mental Health

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