Art Therapy Techniques: 8 Tips for Using Them

Art therapy has long been recognised as an effective way of treating grief, loss, mental illness and other mental health problems.

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This type of therapy is so useful in these situations as it gives patients an outlet to express their feelings when doing so verbally may be difficult or even impossible.

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If you think art therapy good be beneficial for you or someone you know, here are some tips for employing art therapy techniques to keep in mind.

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It has been shown to have particular results in improving self-esteem, self-awareness, emotional resilience, social skills, and  easing distress.

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When Art Therapy May Help

Art Therapy Should be Conducted By a Trained Professional

Art therapists are trained professionals with a very specific set of skills, rather than simply art teachers

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Art Therapy Can Involve Words Too

Just because art therapy is all about expressing things creatively, this doesn’t mean that it cannot also involve using words to express yourself.

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Art Therapy Can Be Useful For Anxiety

Art therapy can be very helpful in identifying the source of patients’ anxiety, as well as developing healthy coping mechanisms.


To Know More About Art Therapy Techniques: 8 Tips for Using Them

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