For Beginners, Here Are The 5 Easiest Bob Ross Paintings

Beginning a new hobby can seem daunting, so check out our list of the five easiest Bob Ross paintings for beginners to get your painting journey started!

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Bob Ross was a famous television painter known for his calm and wholesome demeanor, and his ability to make painting fantastic landscape pictures look like an absolute walk in the park.

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The Easiest Bob Ross Paintings For Beginners – Our List

5th Place: Peaceful Waters from Season 3 The painting itself is not as detailed as some others because the father-son duo really takes their time with it. But as we all now: fewer details, fewer problems, easier painting!

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4th Place: Grey Winter from Season 7

While Grey Winter isn’t this exact episode it also is a monochromatic painting and an excellent exercise for beginning painters.

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3rd Place: Quiet Pond from Season 5

Another painting that follows our fewer-details-easier-painting philosophy. This is one of the rarer Bob Ross paintings without a mountain.

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2nd Place: Final Reflections from Season 1

Steve reads questions from the viewers to his father who paints a whole painting using only techniques his viewers have asked about.

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1st Place: The Grandeur Of Summer (Special Episode)

The fantastic instructions and evergreen scene really make this one the easiest Bob Ross painting for beginners and a perfect starting  point in learning  how to paint.


To See all The 5 Easiest Bob Ross Paintings For Beginners

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