What Happened To Steve Ross, The Son Of Bob Ross?

Every oil painter knows that natural bristle paintbrushes are expensive – especially high-quality ones. Bristles that are dense yet soft don’t come cheap.

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Steve’s Appearance on ‘The Joy of Painting with Bob Ross’ Steve appeared in no less than 13 episodes of ‘The Joy of Painting with Bob Ross’, most notably in the final episode of the first season, ‘Final Reflections’, where he helps his father by reading questions from viewers, which the old master answers.

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Becoming A Fan Favorite Steve quickly became a fan favorite during the Twitch livestream and on Tumblr because of his double entendres, such as “pound it into the brush real good”, “it can be dirty, it doesn’t have to be clean.

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Where Is He Now? The New York Times wrote in an obituary for Bob Ross that “he is survived by his son, Steven, of Ronkonkoma, L.I.”. It seems like Steven (or Steve for short) left Florida to live in the state of New York.

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Update For 2020 – Steve Ross Is Back! After several years without as much as a single peep (or tweet, whatever you prefer) Steve Ross decided to step back into the limelight!

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Following His Father’s Footsteps Just like Bob, they taught interested students how to create stunning landscape paintings using the alla-prima oil-painting technique.

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What Happened To Steve Ross, The Son Of Bob Ross?

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