Why Does Bob Ross Have A Coke Nail?

UrbanDictionary.com defines a coke nail as “one significantly longer fingernail on one or both hand(s), most often the pinkie nail, which is used for scooping up powder cocaine and snorting it. This is known as doing a bump.

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The nail becomes the vessel as opposed to needing an item to snort a line of coke through; ie, a straw, rolled up dollar bill, etc.”

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And if you look closely and watch carefully you might just notice the same thing on the hands of Bob Ross.

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But why? Did Bob Ross do cocaine?

Bob Ross was in fact not doing cocaine. A lot of painters use their nails to scrape off excess paint from their paintings.

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Using your nails is faster and more handy (excuse the pun) than using a tool for this, and for a serious painter like Bob Ross there is no question that he used this old trick too.

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Why Does Bob Ross Have A Coke Nail?

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