6 Reasons Why You Should Start Painting During Lock-down

New cases of COVID-19 are rising all over the world, having many people staying at home practicing self-isolation and social distancing.  But fear not, our beloved Bob Ross has got you covered! Let us show you why now is the perfect time for you to pick up a brush and start creating your own masterpieces.

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1. Calm your nerves Well to say the least, it’s definitely a strange and unsettling time full of uncertainty as we all collectively try to overcome this global pandemic.

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2. Learn something new

While you might have run out of a few things by now (we hope you could get your share of toilet paper), free time surely isn’t one of them.

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3. Get a lot for a little

You want to free yourself of the boredom you have endured the last couple of days, but you don’t want to spend a lot of money? We get it. Starting a new hobby or other ways of entertainment can be quite expensive. But it doesn’t have to be.

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4. Get the perfect outdoor feeling at home

You miss seeing the sun setting down behind the snow-glazed mountains or the waves breaking at the beach? We feel you. Especially now as spring has finally arrived and the days are getting longer, it can be really challenging to stay inside.

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5. Make paintings for others

Before you start to paint your first pieces, you might ask yourself “Can it really be as easy as Bob makes it seem on TV?”. The answer is a resounding “YES!”.

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6. Be part of a worldwide community

While it’s important for us all to practice social distancing to limit the spread of the virus, we should not completely isolate ourselves from the outside world.


To Discover the 6 Reasons Why You Should Start Painting During Lock-down

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