The year 2021 once again saw just shy of 4000 submitted Bob Ross recreations from community members. Just like we looked back at 2020 we want to do the same for 2021. Which Bob Ross paintings got painted the most? Let’s find out!
The List
Let’s take a look at last year’s fan favorites. Some paintings stayed in the top five, while others didn’t.
#5 A Walk In The Woods – Season 1 Episode 1

What’s the best way to start painting with Bob Ross? His very first episode of course! Besides a mighty mountain ‘A Walk In The Woods’ has everything a painting needs to be considered a classic Bob Ross. It’s no wonder a lot of our members try to recreate this milestone of ‘The Joy Of Painting’ history.
View ‘A Walk In The Woods’ in our database.
We’ve chosen an upload from January 1st, 2021 to showcase our community’s creations for this painting. Community member ‘FatalFriend’ went with some bright colors for their version of this classic painting. Great choice, and great effect!

Last year’s #5 ‘Tropical Seascape’ barely managed to break into the top 20 this year. Will it make a comeback next year? We’ll see!
#4 Campfire – Season 3 Episode 10

‘Campfire’ breaks every mold of Bob’s usual paintings. No mighty mountains, no fluffy clouds. The trees are background decoration at most. There’s a fire. And the strangest thing of all (for Bob’s standard) – there’s a person.
Season 3 Episode 10 is one of only two paintings featured on ‘The Joy of Painting’ that contains a human being. No wonder this extraordinary painting made our top 5 last year!
View ‘Campfire’ in our database.
Our friend ‘rock_lobsterrr85’ probably didn’t like this inclusion of a human. How very non-Bob-Rossian! To keep the Bob Ross tradition of not painting humans alive they changed the cowboy to a demon. Very creative!

#3 Sunset Aglow – Season 26 Episode 12

Our last year’s number 4 most painted Bob Ross painting was ‘Sunset Aglow’. It returns this year, but in an even better spot!
View ‘Sunset Aglow’ in our database.
Clouds, a dramatic sky, water, big trees, and mountains. Short of a waterfall, this one has everything you could wish for in a Bob Ross painting. The only thing that would make it even better would probably be a guest appearance of Bob’s son Steve.
‘Deb’ pushed the Bob Ross technique a bit further and added some wonderfully detailed bushes.

#2 Ocean Sunrise – Season 5 Episode 6

Ocean Sunrise managed to defend its spot as the number two most painted Bob Ross recreation. And just like last year we just have to notice how strange it is, that this one isn’t done by Bob himself, but by his friend Audrey Gold!
View ‘Ocean Sunrise’ in our database.
While last year’s community spotlight of ‘Ocean Sunrise’ featured a lot of intense colors, ‘MGiese84’s version tones it down a little bit. A very tasteful choice of colors compliments the simplicity of this painting. Bob would be proud!

#1 Northern Lights – Season 8 Episode 13

Keeping the number 1 spot with over 25% more uploads than ‘Ocean Sunrise’ Season 8 Episode 13 once again cements its spot as the most loved Bob Ross painting.
View ‘Northern Lights’ in our database.
While a lot of artists make the Aurora Borealis the focus of their paintings ‘NaturesBrushStudio’ used them more of an accent. The star of their painting is their masterfully executed mighty mountain.