5 Secrets You Didn’t Know About Bob Ross

Read on to find out more about his life before ‘The Joy Of Painting’, the dark secret of his famous haircut, and how he managed to build an empire while working for free.

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1. Military Career In The Air Force Ross enlisted in the United States Air Force at 18 years old and served as a medical records technician.

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Bob Ross Hated His Haircut

While Bob Ross was very well known for his friendly and calm persona his most striking feature was probably his hair.

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3. Bob Painted Three Paintings Per Episode

The first copy always hid off-screen, and Bob referred to it while the cameras rolled. So while Bob talked about how that big tree that looks like it is going to ruin the painting came to him just this second truth is that it was always going the be there.

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Bob the Celebrity

With the ever-growing popularity of Bob Ross and “The Joy of Painting” 20th Century Fox even created a trailer for Deadpool 2 in Bob’s characteristic style:

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5. He Did It For Free

Bob Ross never received a penny for his television show ‘The Joy of Painting’. However, Bob was a smart businessman and used the show as an advertisement for his own line of painting supplies. And boy, did he make a happy buck with it!


5 Secrets You Didn’t Know About Bob Ross

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