How To Clean & Store Your Brushes - Guide for Brush Care 

Every oil painter knows that natural bristle paintbrushes are expensive – especially high-quality ones. This is exactly why every painter needs to learn how to look after their most important tools.

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Cleaning or storing your brushes the wrong way can turn that $30 natural hog bristle brush into a better wall painting tool faster than Bob Ross can churn out a landscape painting.

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How To Clean Your Brushes

Don’t Make A Mess - Don’t load your brush with more oil paint than you need. Use just enough paint to accomplish whatever it is you are trying to do. The less paint you’re loading, the less you have to clean.

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Mechanical Cleaning

In case you’ve loaded a lot of oil paint, you can try to take a paper towel and squeeze out as much paint as possible.

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Chemical Cleaning

Once you’ve removed most of the paint by mechanical means it’s time to clean the inside of your brush. 

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How To Store Your Brushes

Depending on the time until your next painting your brushes need different levels of care and cleaning and can be stored in different ways. Continue reading to find out more!

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Short Term Storage

If your next painting session is not too far out – say a few days at the very most – you don’t even need to do the full cleaning process.


To Learn more about How To Clean & Store Your Brushes

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