Virtual Bob Ross Race - Run For The Trees

The Department of Natural Resources Michigan is once again holding their Bob Ross themed charity run.

Yellow Star

No matter how fast, no matter where in the world – pick a time between April 22 to April 30, 2021, and put down 5k in this virtual race, and help plant some happy little trees!

Yellow Star

A Happy Little Virtual 5k

Participants can register from all over the world. All proceeds from the race support tree-planting and preservation  efforts in  Michigan’s  state parks.

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Upon registration, you will receive a commemorative T-Shirt, racing bib, and a finisher’s medal featuring a Bob Ross painting.

Yellow Star

What’s A “Virtual Race”? Virtual just means that there is no fixed location or time for the race like we know it from traditional events.

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You simply put on your running shoes, Run-For-The-Trees-T-Shirt, and bib and go for it. It doesn’t matter if you’re running, walking, or hiking. 

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How To Register

You can register for the virtual 5k on the website of the Department of Natural Resources Michigan. The cost of participation is $34 per person, with all proceeds supporting tree planting and preservation in state parks.


To Learn More About Virtual Bob Ross Race - Run for Trees

Yellow Star